Saturday, January 16, 2010

Command Promp Instruction That's Engaged Computer Network

Previously comes in before to Command Prompt's window. Its trick clicks menu Start> Run> then cmd's type> OK.

ipconfig / all
Featuring connection configuration info, for example Hostname, Primary DNS Type, Ethernet Adapter LAN.
ipconfig / flushdns
Erasing DNS Cache

ipconfig / release
“Erase ” all Address's IP connection.
ipconfig / renew
Making Address's IP new for adapter one particular.

ipconfig / displaydns
Featuring DNS Cache.
ipconfig / registerdns
Doing refresh DNS and meregister is back DNS'S connection.

ipconfig / showclassid
Featuring DHCP Class's information.
ipconfig / setclassid
Changing DHCP Class ID

control netconnections
Featuring Network Connection.
Knowing address's internet protocol address of domain name that at sets down

Featuring TCP/IP connection information that be active.
Featuring local route.

Featuring computer name.
Example: ping www. belajarti. co. cc  
Doing connection test goes to sites www. belajarti. co. cc  .
The less % lossnya therefore getting better its connection.

Featuring Address Route's IP information.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

OSI Layer

OSI( Open Systems Interconnection ) made by ISO( International Organization for Standardization ) year 1984. OSI words how information of application software on 1 computer devolves to pass through a media then accepted by back by other computer application software.

7 layer OSI:
 Application Layer
Task: providing service for user application; data interpretation; enkripsi / dekripsi; account for on information interchange among programs computer (email etc.); get interaction with software application that applies a component to get communication.
Presentation Layer
Task: account for how data be converted and at format for data transfer (text's format conversion ASCII for document etc.); forming conversion code, translasi is data, enkripsi, and conversion

Session Layer
Task: determine how two terminal look after, pet, and manages connection; form, I manage, and decides session communication among presentation layer
Transport Layer
Task: dividing data as segment; looking after logic connection “ end to end ” terminal squire; providing error's handle

Network Layer
Task: determining network address; determining route who shall be taken up to trip; looking after trafik's queue at network
Link Layer's data
Task: providing link to data and making packet becomes frame that is engaged “ hardware ” then is transported media thru; providing free data flow fault divides network layer; detect / correct transmission effect fault; physical addressing; adding code for synchronization

Physical Layer
Task: account for on data process becomes bit and transfer passes through media; detect and reports channel state and eror (for example available collision)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

MySQL Instruction

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Steps following in do MySQL instruction at Command Prompt

Activating Command Prompt   Start> Run> Type “ cmd ” or “ command prompt ”> OK
Activating Mysql C:>”Files's program>xampp>mysql>bin>mysql. exe ” –u root –p then enter
Making Database mysql> create is database nama_database ;
For example make rumah_sakit database:  mysql> create is rumah_sakit database;

Cheque Database mysql> show database;
Erasing Database mysql> drop database nama_database ;
For example erase rumah_sakit database:  mysql> drop rumah_sakit database;
Activating Database mysql> use database_name;
For example activate rumah_sakit database:  mysql> use rumah_sakit;

Making table
For example wants to make data_saya table with field: 
no., data type is integer,long 2
name,varchar's data type,long 10
address,varchar's data type,long 15
mysql> create table data_saya
-> (
-> no. int (2 ),
-> name varchar(10),
-> address varchar(15)
-> );

Seeing table in active database mysql> show tables;
Seeing table in database that don't active mysql> show tables from database_name;
For example sees from rumah_sakit database:  mysql> show tables from rumah_sakit;

Seeing table structure in active database mysql> desc nama_tabel;
For example see data_saya table structure:  mysql> desc rumah_sakit;
Seeing table structure in database that don't active  mysql> show fields from table_nama from database_name ;
For example see data_saya table of rumah_sakit database:  mysql> show fields from data_saya from rumah_sakit;

Changing table structure
For example wants to rename no. to number, making it as primary and not null:
mysql> alter table data_saya
-> change no. number
-> int (2 )
-> primary
-> not null;

Changing table name
For example wants to rename data_saya as data_ku
mysql> alter table data_saya
-> rename data_ku

Filling Record in Active Database mysql> insert into table_name values(‘ field1 ’ ,’ field field ’,dst);
Example fills data_saya with 1,ryan,jogja
mysql> insert into data_saya values (1,’ryan’,’jogja’);

Featuring Record mysql> select *from table_name;
For example features record data_saya:  mysql> select * from data_saya;
Download this material

Friday, January 8, 2010

Normalization Example

Example processes normalization of table:

Normalization form 1: 
A relationship accomplishes 1NF if and only if each attribute of that relationship just have singles point in a line or record.

Normalization form 2:
A relationship accomplishes 2NF if and only if:
  1. 1NF's pock.
  2. Each attribute which don't main key depend functionally to all key attribute and be not just play favorites attribute.

Normalization form 3:
A relationship accomplishes to form 3NF if and only if:
a.       That relationship 2NF's pock
b.      Each attribute doesn't key not pending functionally goes to attribute don't key the other in that relationship

Finally all table was normal. To download Normalization example  here in.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Agregate Function

Agregate's function it specified statistic function on row that is sorted. 
Function that often been utilized:
a.       AVG  _ to look for average point
Instruction: SELECT AVG (column_name) FROM (table_name)
b.      MAX  _ to look for greatest point
Instruction: SELECT MAX (column_name) FROM (table_name)
c.       MIN  _ to look for point most little
Instruction: SELECT MIN (column_name) FROM (table_name)
d.      SUM  _ to account amount of a field
Instruction: SELECT SUM (column_name) FROM (table_name)
e.       COUNT  _ to account record's amount
Instruction: SELECT COUNT (column_name) FROM (table_name)

1.      Looking for SKS'S maximal point of college student table?
SELECT MAX (SKS) FROM is college student
2.      Looking for SKS'S average value of college student table?
SELECT AVG (SKS) FROM is college student
3.      Look for total SKS'S point of college student table?
SELECT SUM (SKS) FROM is college student
4.      Account total college student of college student table?
SELECT COUNT (kd_mahasiswa) FROM is college student
5.      Account total appreciative college student SKS is more than 50?
SELECT COUNT (kd_mahasiswa) FROM is WHERE SKS'S college student>50
6.      Account total college student that gets address at ‘ Yogyakarta ’?
SELECT COUNT (kd_mahasiswa) FROM is WHERE'S college student alamat= ’ Yogyakarta ’

To download material Agregate's function  can click herein

Monday, January 4, 2010

File Processing at DOS

In DOS operation exists 2 command / commands which is internal command and external command.

Instruction to copy file.  Copy [file_asal]  [file_tujuan] 
Example:  A:\>copy a:\task c:\training
Utilized for mengkopi file on task directory at drive a, and is copied to directory c:\training
Other example: A:\>copy a:*.* c:\training
Utilized to copy all file from drive a goes to c:\training
Other example: A:\>copy ??i*.* c:\training
Utilized to copy all file which third letter it i. to c:\training

Instruction to erase file.  Del [nama_file] 
Example: C:\training & gt;del *.docx
Utilized to erase all file which gets docx's extension

Instruction to feature file.  DIR (drive: ) (path) (filename)(/p )(/w )((:atribs))(/o )((: )(/s )(/b )
/p: featuring file name per page
/w: featuring ala file name levels off
/a: feature all file preferably file that dihidden
/o: featuring file in shaped most massage
/s: featuring file and root directory until directory's sub
/b: featuring file and directory perbaris
/l: feature in lower case form
/c: featuring pengkompresan's ratio
Example: C:\>dir r
Utilized to feature files in root directory drive c

Instruction to change file name.  REN
Example: C:\>ren tugasRaga.doc tugasRyan.doc
Utilized to change tugasRaga.doc's file name becomes tugasRyan.doc

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Methodics Inferensi

Example methodics inferensi:
On some day, You want to go college and new are aware that You not use glasses. After been remembered, there are several fact that you believes:
1.      If my glasses is at kitchen table, I must have seen it while take snack.
2.      I read to bind books mathematics at guestroom or I read it at kitchen.
3.      If I read to bind books mathematics at guestroom, therefore I place my glasses at guest table.
4.      I don't see my glasses while I take snack.
5.      If I read magazine at cot, therefore my glasses place at cot sideways table.
6.      If I read to bind books mathematics at kitchen, therefore glasses is at kitchen table.
Factual determinative whereabouts glasses position?


Statement with symbol logic symbol:
p: glasses is at kitchen table
q: I see my glasses while take snack
r: I read to bind books mathematics at guestroom
s: I read to bind books mathematics at kitchen
t: kuletakka's glasses at guest table
u: I read magazine at cot
v: glasses I place at cot sideways table

Fact can be written:
1.       p → q
2.       r  v s
3.       r → t
4.       ~q
5.       u → v
6.       s → p

Inferensi who can be done
1.        p → q                                               3. r  v  s
___~q                                                    __~s
~p                                                          r
2.       s → p                                                 4. r → t
__~p                                                       r___
~s                                                                   t
Conclusion: Glasses is at guest table

Saturday, January 2, 2010

AMD and Intel

To download click more complete in here

Following distinctive AMD and Intel in common:

1. Set is instruction on Intel is MMX, SSE, SSE SSE, and SSE3, but on AMD SSE SSE and 3DNow. But of so much instruction which used by Intel for that matter have available deep 3DNow it AMD that doesn't be had by Intel.
2. L1 on maximal Intel 32K, be on AMD is 128K. Base severally AMD'S test with L1 128K more superior against which Intel.
3. Temperature on Intel can be managed by processor its own (processor that mengurang will speed if processor over hot), on AMD64 maximum temperature is 900C. Intel's technology more ungguk against which AMD.
4. There are many transistor on Intel 100 billion be AMD 105 billion. (Intel P4's version and AMD K8).
5. A lot of it decoder, integer, FP on intel less appealed by AMD that signifikan's ala the difference that increase AMD'S job.
6. More superior AMD in application communication processing, as Transfer of data on modem, ADSL, MP3, and digital Double Suround Sound.
7. Pipeline on Intel longer against which AMD, but troublesome pipeline Intel on task interchange, so pipeline Intel is its speed slows to lie under AMD.

To download click more complete in here

For, While, and Do...While

Want to know distinctive repetitive utilizes for, while, or do … while? This following cheque ^^
Repetitive third this results same output, as screen shoot here under:

Example programs to utilize while
public class perulangan {
   public static void main (String [] args) {
      int i=0;
      while(i<9) {
           System.out.println(“Baris-“ +i);

Example programs to utilize do...while
public class perulangan1 {
   public static void main (String [] args) {
      int i=0;
      do {

Example programs to utilize for
public class perulangan2 {
   public static void main (String [] args) {
      for(int i=0; i<9; i++) {

Download this material in here

Friday, January 1, 2010

Algorithm Introduction

Why are we need algorithm? Algorithm constitutes a working out steps in troubleshoots( problem solving ).Indigenous algorithm says algorism
In programming area, 
algorithm is instruction bulk / instruction / stage that gets until amount the, set down systematically, and is utilized to troubleshoot / logic and mathematics problem with computer's help .

Stipulate good algorithm:
1.      Stage / its correct method
2.      Resulting output that right
3.      Written to utilize default language and with perspicuous format
4.      Operate for defined markedly
5.      All process shall end (there is while for stop).
Algorithm representation can with text— utilizing given lingual structure( pseudocode ) —or with picture— for example flowchart programs , flow's data diagram, chart's diagram , etc. .

Algorithm to look for far ranging length square
a.       Algorithm is with structured language
1.      Insert tall and elongated
2.      Multiply long with high
3.      Write its result
b.      Algorithm with pseudocode
Input (t,p )
L= p * t
Output (L )
c.      Algorithm is with flowchart programs