Sunday, January 3, 2010

Methodics Inferensi

Example methodics inferensi:
On some day, You want to go college and new are aware that You not use glasses. After been remembered, there are several fact that you believes:
1.      If my glasses is at kitchen table, I must have seen it while take snack.
2.      I read to bind books mathematics at guestroom or I read it at kitchen.
3.      If I read to bind books mathematics at guestroom, therefore I place my glasses at guest table.
4.      I don't see my glasses while I take snack.
5.      If I read magazine at cot, therefore my glasses place at cot sideways table.
6.      If I read to bind books mathematics at kitchen, therefore glasses is at kitchen table.
Factual determinative whereabouts glasses position?


Statement with symbol logic symbol:
p: glasses is at kitchen table
q: I see my glasses while take snack
r: I read to bind books mathematics at guestroom
s: I read to bind books mathematics at kitchen
t: kuletakka's glasses at guest table
u: I read magazine at cot
v: glasses I place at cot sideways table

Fact can be written:
1.       p → q
2.       r  v s
3.       r → t
4.       ~q
5.       u → v
6.       s → p

Inferensi who can be done
1.        p → q                                               3. r  v  s
___~q                                                    __~s
~p                                                          r
2.       s → p                                                 4. r → t
__~p                                                       r___
~s                                                                   t
Conclusion: Glasses is at guest table

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